Natural Healing Category
Blog Articles
Full Moon in Cancer
A vivid dream, a profound healing lesson!
Astrology is not my expertise. Nonetheless, I carefully follow the lunar and seasonal cycles. Today is the first full moon of 2023. It happens to be the full moon in the astrological sign of Cancer. Last night I had this vivid dream aligned with the energy of Cancer. As it taught me a healing lesson I wanted to share with you.
Use your senses to unlock your healing energy
Listen to this guided exercise to experience what it means to be connected with your energy. Using your senses to assess the quality of your energy, and noticing the changes happening in your body after an energy-based practice.
Healing energy is within you, you just don’t know it!
Energy is everywhere around and within us. Both our senses and our mind are the vehicles for exchanging energy waves. So how can you make use of your senses and mind to transform this energy into healing vibrations?